<aside> 💥 Tusima is a layer 2 controllable privacy financial network based on ZK rollup. It integrates zero knowledge proof, iterative proof and homomorphic encryption technology, performs controllable data privacy function on the chain and Multi Chain interoperability,protects the privacy of sensitive data of defi users and builds a high TPS scalable financial network. It aims to build the infrastructure of controllable privacy finance in the era of Web 3.0


☘️ zk-rollup

The zk-rollup-based zero-knowledge proof and iterative proof technology by Tusima can protect the privacy of identity, balance, and transaction content on blockchain public ledgers.

🌴 Privacy Protection

Tusima is based on SNARK and account model and uses Sigma protocol as the privacy algorithm to generate privacy proofs. It realizes the decentralized-finance privacy protection, maintaining the privacy of user identity and transactions in Web3.0.

🍀 Scalability and Expansion

Thanks to the PoS consensus algorithm, off-chain zk-rollup computations, and on-chain verification, Tusima achieves 10,000+ TPS and significantly cuts the transaction costs for Layer 1 public chains. Due to these advantages, Tusima has faster transaction speeds, higher throughput, and lower transaction costs compared to other networks.

🌿 Multi-chain Interoperability

The multi-chain interoperability of Tusima is driven by the combination of Relayer, oracles, and ultra-light nodes. The ability to both bridge assets and share messages & states cross-chain helps Tusima become an important infrastructure for open privacy finance.

🌲 Component Modularity

Tusima provides modular API to the community and developers, making it easy to build full-fledged privacy financial applications from the bottom up.

☘️ Building Privacy NFTs

If you are interested in creating Privacy NFTs or NFT-based applications on Tusima Network, please join our developer community! We are happy to collaborate and share resources with you. By building privacy-protecting NFTs, you can make the use of NFTs in the blockchain more secure.

🌴 Controlled Data Access

Tusima Network can power private scalable DeFi apps. Its unique private-transaction feature allows individuals to maintain data ownership and earn money from their data while retaining control and privacy.

🌱 Tusima Cross-chain Bridge Design